Legal sciences
Sense of justice
Law regulates interactions between people in society - already before birth, and until far beyond death. There are numerous legal areas. And numerous reasons which speak in favor of a study of legal sciences. At least one of them convinced you to select this type of education.
If you have a pronounced sense of justice, and if you want to introduce this sense of justice into your professional environment, then you have come to the right place. Legal questions, legal interpretations, and leadership responsibility are one of the focuses at the State of Lower Saxony. Be part of our large team and contribute to fair and strong interactions between the people in our State!
Career goal legal sciences
The State of Lower Saxony offers internships (administration internship), traineeships, and different entry opportunities after the second state examination.
What are you interested in?
You want to complete your mandatory internship in an administration authority? Nothing is easier! The State of Lower Saxony offers you two possibilities.
Individual internship
In your individual internship you will get to know one authority. You are part of a group and introduce your knowledge and your abilities in the work routine. This is the best way if you already know which specialist area your heart is beating for (e.g. environment, Europe, or taxes).
Inform yourself on the websites of the State authorities, whether such an internship can be offered, or apply proactively by making contact with the HR department. The colleagues are looking forward to you!
Group internship
The group internship is organized every year in the lecture-free time of the summer semester by the Ministerium für Inneres und Sport [Ministry of Internal Affairs and Sports] in cooperation with several State authorities, and gives you an insight into the wide variety of the State Administration.
In small working groups of approximately 25 persons you will get to know different authorities in the region of Hanover, and you will get an overview of tasks and legal questions in the State Administration (lectures, group work, visits).
Respectively in spring, you will find the event program - which also contains information on contents and application opportunities - on this page and on the websites of the Leibniz University Hanover and the University Osnabrück. Due to the high demand, the places will be awarded within the framework of a selection procedure. We are looking forward to your application – also online!
Provided for you (in German):
You have successfully completed your study of legal sciences? Then the legal internship will be your next career step.
During a period of two years you will, in five stations, get to know the most important fields of activity of a fully qualified lawyer. The legal internship will end with the second state examination, the prerequisite to work as a judge or as a Public Prosecutor at the court - and of course the prerequisite for your admission to the bar. But of course you already know that!
Tip: The successfully passed second state examination will also be required for an employment in the Allgemeine Verwaltung [General Administration] of the State of Lower Saxony. Here we also offer interesting areas of activity. Did we arouse your curiosity? Inform yourself - it’s worth it!
Apply, but where?
The legal internship is awarded by the Oberlandesgerichten [Higher Regional Courts] Braunschweig, Celle, and Oldenburg. They will select and admit the applicants in procedures which are independent of each other. On the Landesjustizportal [State Justice Portal] of Lower Saxony you will find more detailed information concerning the framework conditions and examinations. You want to stay up to date? The internship newsletter will inform you about everything that’s worth to know.
Provided for you (in German):
The aim of the Trainee Program is the development of your skills to solve complex performance and design issues of the State Administration of Lower Saxony.
In addition to a usually three-year professional practice in different stations, the junior executives will participate in a qualification course for the development of management-related key qualifications, as well as in a Mentoring Program. In connection with the qualification course, the junior executives will furthermore carry out a practical project.
Possible areas of work:
- in the highest State Authorities:
e.g. State Chancellery, Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit, Verkehr und Digitalisierung [Ministry of Economy, Labor, Transport, and Digitalization], or Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung [Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, and Equality]
- in subordinate authorities:
e.g. Regional State Offices for School and Education, Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz [State Office for Water Management, Coastal Protection, and Environmental Protection], or Landeskriminalamt [State Office of Criminal Investigation]
- in local authorities:
e.g. District of Celle, City of Garbsen, or Lower-Saxonian Landkreistag [Association of German Counties]
Ina Saathoff (+49 (0)511 120 6261)
Provided for you (in German):
You passed the second state examination? We will give you a job!
Gratulations for passing the second state examination! Now you can finally start your career!
Fully qualified lawyers will find at the State of Lower Saxony a number of job opportunities with the most different legal focuses. In addition to the broad spectrum in the general administration, jobs in the Tax Administration, in the judicial system or the police are a possiblityju. Which area will suit you best? Find out!
Environmental, personnel, social, administrative or construction law: Your completed study entitles you to work in each of these areas, and thus to select your personal focus - with best perspectives for a leadership position.
Junior lawyers are given jobs within the framework of a three-year trainee program in different offices of the State Administration, and prepared for their future tasks.
The Lower-Saxonian Ministerium für Inneres und Sport [Ministry of Internal Affairs and Sports] employs centrally for the General Administration of the State junior staff with the entitlement as judge as „Regierungsrätin“ or „Regierungsrat“ [Senior Civil Servant].
What you will need:
- over-average legal knowledge (in the first and second state examination at least the grade “satisfactory“).
- communicative abilities, social competence, personal initiative, and the willingness to take over responsibility in a team.
- special interest in a demanding and diversified job in a modern public administration.
Does this sound right for you? Send your application together with the Vorblatt via email to:
or via mail to:
Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Inneres und Sport
– Referat 11 –
Postfach 221
30002 Hannover
Provided for you (in German):
Education, infrastructure, social security, or healthcare - tax revenue allows the services, which we expect from a community.
Without a functioning tax and finance administration, police operations, schools, universities, environmental protection, or road construction is not imaginable.
Who pays how much tax is legally regulated. As lawyer in our team you will take care of a fair procedure.
Junior executives will, as a rule, change after the introductory period to a leadership position. In one of the 68 Lower Saxonian tax offices, which can be found in all districts, they find their tasks in the subject area or as head of office.
The introductory period describes a 12-months practical introduction in an assessment tax office, accompanied by courses at the Bundesfinanzakademie in Brühl, as well as a introduction to the tasks and working areas of the Landesamtes für Steuern [Regional Tax Authority] of Lower Saxonia. Subsequently, there will be a three-months training in the area of company audit. After that, you will be perfectly prepared for all upcoming tasks.
The department “Zentrale Aufgaben des Landesamtes für Steuern Niedersachsen“ [Central Tasks of the State Office for Taxes Lower Saxonia] coordinates the jobs in the Tax Administration. You can find the complete job offer, as well as information on the contact persons at the “Landesamt für Steuern Niedersachsen”.
Provided for you (in German):
You feel at home in the courtroom? How about working as Public Prosecutor and representing the interests of the general public? Or you find the idea attractive to sit on the judge’s chair, and to judge?
Whatever you will decide: With the entitlement to work as judge, you can do all of this. The employment as judge will be on probation in the ordinary jurisdiction, or in the working, financial, social, and administrative jurisdiction of the State of Lower Saxony.
By the way: The correctional facilities do also belong to that, and thus are a further
interesting field of work for you, for example as head of the office in the Lower Saxonian correctional facilities. But you can also work as Referent [speaker] in the department for the enforcement of sentences Strafvollzugsabteilung of the Lower Saxonian Justizministerium [Ministry of Justice], as well as as Justiziar [Legal Advisor].
In a three-year introductory period, you are trained for your future tasks, and you will get to know as many forms and locations of enforcement as possible. In parallel, you will participate in courses for the development of executives, and you will hospitieren in the Lower Saxonian Justizministerium.
The application procedure will be via the Oberlandesgericht [Higher Regional Court], both for the work as judge, and for the work as Public Prosecutor. You can file your application with all three districts of the Oberlandesgericht at the same time.
Provided for you (in German):
- Merkblatt für die Einstellung als Richterin oder Richter auf Probe in die ordentliche Gerichtsbarkeit des Landes Niedersachsen
- Merkblatt für die Einstellung als Richterin oder Richter auf Probe in der Arbeits-, Finanz-, Sozial- und Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit des Landes Niedersachsen
- Oberlandesgericht Celle
- Niedersächsisches Landesjustizportal
- Nähere Informationen zur Einstellung im Justizvollzug finden beim Bildungsinstitut des niedersächsischen Justizvollzuges
What have legal sciences and police work to do with each other? Naturally a lot! The activity of lawyers im Polizeivollzug is an exciting matter, as it is about legal questions of daily life. It combines furthermore leadership responsibility with police work, e.g. as head of a police station or of a department.
No question, you have the necessary technical knowledge. But what about your fitness? As lawyer in the police vollzugsdienst you have, in addition to the technical and personal suitability, also fulfil the Polizeidiensttauglichkeit.
You will find all information on the tasks, employment prerequisities, and possibilities to apply online as Polizeirat in the current job offer
Provided for you (in German):

Shape your career.
In the largest team in Lower Saxony.
Meaningful and varied tasks are waiting for you.
You are interested in the State of Lower Saxony as employer? Why specifically in this State? Because the civil service offers safe working conditions? Or because we are the largest employer of the region? Convincing arguments!
But that’s by far not all. There are a lot of good reasons why you should apply with us.