Employer State of Lower Saxony
You are interested in the State of Lower Saxony as employer? Why specifically in this State? Because the civil service offers safe working conditions? Or because we are the largest employer of the region? Convincing arguments!
But that’s by far not all. There are a lot of good reasons why you should apply with us:
- numerous specialist areas
- different workplace models
- reconciliation of work and family life, i.e. work and care
- flexible working hours and forms (e.g. telework)
- development of executives
- operational health management
- and much more
What does the State offer as employer? Find out!
Facts, facts, facts: What is actually part of the State Administration?
The State Administration of Lower Saxony comprises authorities of the direct and indirect State Administration.
Authorities of the direct State Administration:
- the State Chancellery, the ten Ministries, the State Court of Audit, the President of the State Parliament of Lower Saxony, and the State Representative for Data Protection.
- some central higher State authorities as well as local decentral specialist authorities.
Authorities of the indirect State Administration:
- the municipalities and other institutions such as corporations, public agencies, and public foundations, e.g. the state forests, the Chamber of Agriculture, and the Chamber of Pharmacists.
The State offices play a special role between authorities and the private sector. Comparable to an authority, the State office belongs to the direct State Administration, however, is more than that characterized by an economic management, such as for example IT.Niedersachsen or the Alfred-Töpfer-Akademie.
In the career portal you will find all offers of the direct State Administration and of the State offices.
Provided for you (in German):
The State Parliament - i.e. the parliament of the State of Lower Saxony - votes in a non-public election for the office of the Prime Minister, who then appoints the members of the State Government. They form the cabinet and may, in addition to their position as Ministers, not hold any other positions.
The cabinet adopts the guidelines of regional politics, distributes the tasks between the different Ministries, and decides on draft laws, which are presented to the State Parliament of Lower Saxony for voting. Further tasks are the appointment of top officials, and the determination of the voting behavior in the Federal Council. The last power of decision lies with the Prime Minister, however, the government is principally eager to reach an unanimous decision.
Provided for you (in German):
- Vorstellung des Kabinetts [Presentation of the cabinet]
A safe place of work – that is probably the most common cause for an application for the civil service. A reliable payment, the protection in case of a crisis, and an employer with future prospects are watertight arguments. All this and more is offered by the State of Lower Saxony. As you know, there are civil servants and employees. What are the differences? Civil servants are comprehensively protected by the employer’s duty of care, an allowance with regard to the health insurance is granted by the State “on top”. Employees are subject to the statutory compulsory health insurance and may, in addition, claim social benefits such as the “Zusatzversorgung des öffentlichen Dienstes” [pension funds in the public sector]. In the tariff area, there is usually also an annual special payment, as well as an operational old-age pension, which is paid out via the “Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder” [Federal and State Government Employees Retirement Fund]. In summary: Both groups are continuously working for one employer, are socially secured, and receive their salary in a reliable way. Salary negotiations are irrelevant, as either a law (NBesG) [Salary Act of Lower Saxony] or a collective agreement (TV-L) [Civil Service Collective Agreement for Federal States] will automatically take care of salary adjustments. Of course, also the interminability speaks in favor of civil service; In this process, it is often ignored that also permanent employees will “sit firmly in the saddle“. Do you want to know the concrete amount of your expected salary? You can get an overview with one of the following salary calculators. (The editors of the career portal will not be liable for the content and the correctness of the calculations. No legal claims may be derived from the calculations.) Provided for you (in German):
If there is a balance between private life and work, then we feel good. If we are even allowed to carry out a meaningful activity, we are much more motivated to develop our full potential, and to render top performance. A good work-life balance means: Neither work nor private life will miss out. A balancing act? Not with the corresponding support of the employer! Whether it is about child care or the care of dependents, or about engaging in voluntary activities: The offices of the State Administration of Lower Saxony have a comprehensive catalogue of measures to provide for a good reconciliation of job and private life (e.g. flexitime or home office). Executives with staff responsibility have access to different training offers, which support the employees in achieving a healthy balance. By the way: Many offices of the State have been distinguished with the certificate for the audit “berufundfamilie” [work and family] of the charitable Hertie foundation. Before their re-certification, they are regularly and thoroughly audited. |
Health is not everything. But without health, everything is nothing. An employer can do a lot to promote the wellbeing of his employees. This begins with the working conditions (e.g. occupational safety), and goes well beyond the operational integration after a long time of illness.
One important component is health management. It offers a lot of tools, with which the health of the employees can be promoted and maintained.
“Manage health” means considering the physical and mental health with regard to all decision processes of the respective office, and permanent integration. Very important: The employees are integrated into this process.
A further column is the so-called “Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung” [Operational Health Promotion]. Whether sports offer or massage, healthy nutrition or resilience training: There are numerous possibilities to make the challenging (work) routine easier. The “Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung” is thus becoming a real motivator to do something for your own health.
In cooperation with the health insurances, many offices have health-promoting offers, which comprise nutrition counselling, smoking cessation, stress management courses, spinal gymnastics, health checkups, or also whole health days.
The inclusion of people with a disablement is a basic prerequisite for a democratic and socially fair society. The State of Lower Saxony acknowledges its responsibility to eliminate obstacles for these persons, and to give the different facets of an inclusive society a face. When filling vacancies, the HR departments thus especially take care of granting applicants with special needs - if they have the same qualification - a corresponding advantage. Good to know: In the selection procedure, severely disabled applicants will - if they have the same qualification and abilities - have an advantage, as far as there are no opposing legally relevant reasons. When the employment begins it will be guaranteed that people with physical impairments will receive a suitable workplace equipment. Persons concerned should therefore in any case mention their disability in their application. In this way, they can certainly be considered in the selection procedure! |
Female, male, diverse – for the accomplishment of the work routine and the professional activities, the sex does of course not play any role.
Equality with regard to choosing and exercising a profession is getting better, however, still too slow. For the State Government, the equality of all sexes and sexual identities still remains one of the political challenges as long as the opportunities between the sexes are unequally distributed. Our goal is it to eliminate disadvantages.
The job offers are basically directed to all sexes and sexual identities, characterized by the abbreviation “m/w/d”. Furthermore, the text of the job offer is, as far as possible, formulated neutrally.
The “Niedersächsische Gleichberechtigungsgesetz (NGG)” [Non-Discrimination Act of Lower Saxony] contains regulations which at least facilitate the equality of men and women in civil service. In job offer processes, the respectively underrepresented sex is motivated to apply.
In addition, the State of Lower Saxony has obliged itself to gender mainstreaming and has equality as a consistent leitmotif. You can find out more about the equality of women and men and gender mainstreaming in the State service (in German) under
Gleichberechtigung beim Arbeitgeber Land Niedersachsen
[Equality at the employer State of Lower Saxony].
Inter…what? An “interculture” develops through the encounter of different cultures. Good to know: In Lower Saxony, more than 20 % of the people have an own or familiar immigration biography. The State as employer is thus also asked to open up interculturally - i.e. for the specialties of different cultural areas. This is practically implemented via equal opportunity employment procedures and a sensibilization of the colleagues for the cultural differences. A process which is supported by trainings for the employees, and especially for the executives. To be able to reach everybody, the State authorities use the “simple or easy language”. If, despite all efforts, uncertainties remain, please contact us via the contact form. One more tip: If you have a foreign school, professional, or university degree, a detailed orientation guideline offers help. Provided for you (in German):
There is the saying: „Gehe hundert Schritte in den Schuhen eines anderen, wenn du ihn verstehen willst“ [“Walk a hundred steps in someone else‘s shoes if you want to understand them.”]. That means: This procedure opens the horizon for new perspectives, and increases the understanding for the interests of other people.
We all establish ourselves in our work routine, know procedures and processes off the cuff. The economy and administration traineeship thus offers 30 to 40 executives of public administration and private companies each year the chance to get to know the work routine of the respectively other person. Participants will profit from discovering new ways of working, dealing with problems, and solving problems. This two-week economy and administration traineeship will thus not only be an exciting experience, but at the same time an innovative instrument of staff development for executives.
“Employees do not leave the company, they leave their superior”.
With other words: Leadership quality has an high impact on the satisfaction and productivity of the colleagues. If it is good, the mood of the colleagues will also be good. The team will render top performances, and the company will be successful.
The good news: Leadership competence can be trained. The State of Lower Saxony thus supports young professionals in a target-oriented way with trainee programs, in which leadership-relevant key qualifications are conveyed. Inhouse events or seminars of the State-own “Studieninstitut” [Study Institution] will deal with these topics.
Provided for you (in German):
Did you know? A small piece of Lower Saxony can also be found in Berlin und Brussels!
Through the federal structure of the Federal Republic, the State of Lower Saxony is represented both nationally in Berlin and internationally in Brussels. In the respective State Representations, the interests of the State of Lower Saxony at the Bund and the EU are bundled and represented. Does that sound interesting for you?
For excellently qualified employees there is still another career opportunity: Become a national expert in the specialist administrative departments of the European Union and work directly on the politically important setting of the agenda of our time.
Provided for you (in German):
The human brain is a professional, when it comes to information processing. It is “willing to learn” all the time - and it prefers to do nothing but this. In everyday working life, we are confronted with always new challenges, new topics, or new technologies that want to be explored. Employees of the State have the possibility to select from numerous inhouse and online events to train their technical and personal competences, e.g. administration knowledge for lateral entrants, eAkte, mediation, NLP, or non-violent communication. One more thing: The employees of Lower Saxony are - according to the Niedersächsischen Bildungsurlaubsgesetz [Act of Lower Saxony on Educational Leave] - entitled to five days paid leave per year for the participation in training events. Provided for you (in German):
“Can I make a lateral entry to the State of Lower Saxony also after my apprenticeship or with professional experience in other industries?” We hear this question again and again. The answer is: “Yes, of course!” The State of Lower Saxony offers jobs in different professions and industries, among other things in pedagogics, laboratories, media design, or handicraft, in financial accounting, curative education, architecture, motor vehicles, kitchen, and much more. Just have a look at the current job offers! Your colleagues will welcome you on-site in the team and make you familiar with your future area of activity. We are looking forward to new ideas and impulses! For the lateral entrance at schools there are two possibilities: traineeship and directly. The Kultusministerium [Ministry of Education] has more detailed information for you. There is a special offer for executives who are working in the administration: trainings with regard to the organizational, budgetary, and legal principles of the Lower Saxony State Administration give you the tools for your responsible tasks. Provided for you (in German): |
Employyreceive remuneration according to the collective agreement of the Federal States (TV-L). The remuneration of civil servants is called Besoldung Salary and is defined in the Lower Saxony Salary and Pension Adjustment Act (NBVAnpG). Payment is usually made by the Lower Saxony State Office for Remuneration and Pensions (NLBV).
Is there somethinreceive g like E10 or A12 in an offer that interests you and you would like to know how much salary is hidden behind it?
With the help of the salary calculator of an external provider, you can get an initial overview of the amount of remuneration. We assume no liability for the content and accuracy of the calculations. No legal claims can be derived from the calculations you perform. The links are provided for orientation purposes only.
- Entgeltrechner [Calculator for remuneration]
- Besoldungsrechner [Calculator for the Besoldung]
Your direct line to us
You have a question or feedback?
Feel free to use our contact form! Or send us a DM via Instagram to arbeitgeber.niedersachsen.

High performance sport
You are training hard for your athletic success and want to participate in the Olympic Games? At the same time you want to have a future-proof apprenticeship, however, you do not want to give up your dream of being a professional athlete? The State of Lower Saxony makes this possible!
In cooperation with the Olympic training center of Lower Saxony, the Behindertensportverband [Handicapped Sports Association] of Lower Saxony, as well as the Athletenvertretung [Athletes’ Representation], we will support you with regard to the reconciliation of athletic and professional development.
The dual curriculum “Allgemeine Verwaltung” [General Administration] and the dual career in the police forces of Lower Saxony is adapted to the daily life of a high-performance athlete. This may be achieved by - among other things - prolonging the study time and granting special leave for competitions. In this way, the State creates the possibility for athletes within the Lower Saxonian State Administration to promote both their athletic and their professional career.
Interested? Then find out whether the dual curriculum “General Administration” or the dual career in the police forces of Lower Saxony is the right thing for you.
Provided for you (in German):
- “Bachelor of Arts (B. A.). Allgemeine Verwaltung“ [Bachelor of Arts (B. A.). General Administration]
- “Bachelor of Arts (B. A.) zum/zur Polizeikommissar/in” [Bachelor of Arts
(B. A.). Police Commissioner] - HAZ article “Niedersachsen schafft berufliche Karrierechancen für Spitzensportler“ [Lower Saxony creates professional career opportunities for high-performance athletes]